Hello… again!

This blog has gone through a few transformations: First, counting calories was my goal (I was a mom with a toddler still trying to lose the baby weight). Then I moved to just blogging about all I ate without boring everyone with dieting notes. It’s been a little while but I have experienced several big changes in my life. I always tried to keep my personal life out of my blog and just focus on the food – but now that I am out of A-School and back home there’s too much going on not to share.

So welcome to the new…
Get In My Belly!

I’m a Sailor. I’m an Executive Assistant. I’m a wife. I’m a mother.

…and I’m really excited to share my stories in new fashion – of course while still including all the yummy food I consume 🙂

Thanks for reading!

Follow Me on Pinterest for easy sharing of my reviews and recipes and a bunch of other fun stuff on there.

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