Food Diary Day 1

Today is the first of September, and I will be posting my daily eats on the blog throughout the month.

I’m doing it to be more conscious of the foods I eat and also so my readers get a look at my day to day food.

Breakfast: 2 cups of coffee


If you follow me on Twitter you may have heard about Firehouse giving away subs today…



I had a light version of their Hook n’ Ladder sub. My only regret here was onion breath! They really are a favorite of mine.



Ruben grilled up some steaks. I roasted some sweet potatoes (recipe later) and it was a perfect meal.


I didn’t take a picture of it, but I had a slice of Kraft cheese. It’s a 60 calorie intake, but I’ve done this my entire life so there’s no stopping it now.

Total calories in today: 1315 according to Noom.

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