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Steak, alfredo penne with broccoli and roasted asparagus

Tonight we had Grilled skirt steak, penne rigate pasta with broccoli in alfredo, roasted asparagus and garlic toast.  This is one of those meals that are very filling.

I’m blessed to have a husband that enjoys grilling – and does a great job as well. Below are photos of the skirt steak (or churrasco in Spanish) Ruben prepared tonight. The meat was marinated for several hours and the end result was really tasty.

Grilled asparagus is one of my absolute favorite vegetables to eat – I’ve learned many vegetables taste great this way. First, it’s important to “snap off” the bases of each asparagus spear. Just bend one and it’ll natually snap at the point it should. The bases are thrown out (or used for fertilizer in your garden soil if that’s your thing). Next, I moisten them with extra virgin olive oil. And lastly, I season with salt and pepper. Put in the oven (uncovered) for about 15 minutes at 350 degrees. That’s it!

Here are a couple of garlic flavored Texas toast served alongside the roasted asparagus (below). A long time ago, we got my daughter to try these by telling her they just tasted like “green” French fries. She still really loves them.

 I made the penne pasta by boiling the pasta and some broccoli spears (each in seperate pots) until tender (for 10-12 minutes). Once they were done I combined them with alfredo sauce. For an added touch it is good to add freshly shredded Parmesan cheese.

Mmm… here’s what it all looked like right before we ate. It was very good.

There really is nothing better then getting to see your family enjoy the food you cook for them 🙂
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Italian Village

Italian Village Pizza on Urbanspoon

Links to restaurant info:
Google place page
UrbanSpoon – fyi my order was from W. Colonial Dr. location
Link to menu by
*A restaurant this place is comparable (sp) to* Proccolino’s
There’s something about food that comes served in an aluminum tin that for some odd reason makes it taste better to me. This might just be a weird thing I get from my mom – she really likes when Spanish restaurants serve the rice in this (as the to-go package, obviously not while eating in).

My entree, called “Seafood De Villa”, came with a side salad and garlic knots (2).

I ate all of the salad (minus the onions, I only like those cooked), about 1/3 of the pasta, the order came with two garlic knots but I had to eat one before taking my lunch because I was kinda hungry. Not gonna lie, the knots were a lil bland. I left the second one for next time I eat from the plate (likely tomorrow). Oh yeah, and a sprite… I’ve still only drank half of it and I don’t think I’ll have much more and just drink water for the rest of the [work]day. I’ve never had (what looks like) imitation crab meat in seafood alfredo, but it was surprisingly good. In fact, I might use the ingredient when making my own at home.
Seafood alfredo recipes: recipe I think sounds good… “Olive Garden” secret recipe
Follow Me on Pinterest for easy sharing of my reviews and recipes and a bunch of other fun stuff on there.