Italian Village

Italian Village Pizza on Urbanspoon

Links to restaurant info:
Google place page
UrbanSpoon – fyi my order was from W. Colonial Dr. location
Link to menu by
*A restaurant this place is comparable (sp) to* Proccolino’s
There’s something about food that comes served in an aluminum tin that for some odd reason makes it taste better to me. This might just be a weird thing I get from my mom – she really likes when Spanish restaurants serve the rice in this (as the to-go package, obviously not while eating in).

My entree, called “Seafood De Villa”, came with a side salad and garlic knots (2).

I ate all of the salad (minus the onions, I only like those cooked), about 1/3 of the pasta, the order came with two garlic knots but I had to eat one before taking my lunch because I was kinda hungry. Not gonna lie, the knots were a lil bland. I left the second one for next time I eat from the plate (likely tomorrow). Oh yeah, and a sprite… I’ve still only drank half of it and I don’t think I’ll have much more and just drink water for the rest of the [work]day. I’ve never had (what looks like) imitation crab meat in seafood alfredo, but it was surprisingly good. In fact, I might use the ingredient when making my own at home.
Seafood alfredo recipes: recipe I think sounds good… “Olive Garden” secret recipe
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