New York City 2012 Part 1

This past week my husband and I went on a trip to NYC. I know I keep saying this on Twitter, but I really have a bunch of stuff to share with you all and will post them soon. Come back these next few weeks as I share some of what we ate within just a few days in the Big Apple.

The first meal for this series could not be more appropriate. As soon as we dropped off our luggage we headed to the BEST Chinese place in China Town. WO HOP  

Wo Hop (Basement Level) on Urbanspoon

Picture this – my husband and I come up from the subway into China Town in the POURING RAIN. We had to buy a pair of umbrellas at the first shop we passed. I was wearing my Sperry’s and so my feet were SOAKED!! Finally we see it – we race down the steps to get out of the rain.

We were both relieved and excited. My husband had been here before, but it was my first time. Luckily we got there just a little after 11 a.m. and so there wasn’t a line of people waiting outside to eat (the inside doesn’t seem to be large enough for more than 40-60 customers at a time).

It was really like we traveled back in time to a restaurant that didn’t care it was 2012. The walls were covered with photos – There isn’t a way to know what color the paint is in the room. The people in the pictures taped/hung were a mix of actors, musicians, random television personalities and “regular” people. Many were autographed. By the booth we sat in I saw a couple high school student IDs. Anyone who wanted to leave their mark basically had the option to in any way they wanted. It was very different, and made the room seem even smaller.

There’s an image on Obsession Confession (a blog) if you’d like to see what it’s like – here’s the link

As we waited for our food (about 10 minutes or less for the entrees), we got to see a couple tables full of men working… apparently the kitchen is too small to prep back there. A couple (senior members of the kitchen) cleaned fresh snap peas and 3 or 4 others were working on prepping dumplings. It was really cool to witness them doing this – really made the experience feel that much more authentic.

Before our entrees were served I had wonton soup (about $2) just because I love it and wanted to know if they had the goods… Their fried wonton are 75 cents (do not come with the soup). They tasted as if they were fried on the spot because they were still warm.

I was not disappointed, but found it surprising they did not put chives in the broth. Still very good.

As an entree I ordered BBQ spare ribs, which I’d rate a 7 out of 10 – the smaller cuts of meat were a little tough from being overcooked. The larger ribs were juicy and tasty. Ruben ordered Honey Crispy Beef which to be completely honest did not look appealing to me at first (and is NOT crispy). It’s a breaded steak, which is then bathed in a sweet syrupy sauce and served. I tried it and did really like it. Unfortunately I was too full to have a real serving of it. My husband really liked it.

We also ordered Beef Fried Rice to share. It was very good.

Something to make note of is the fact that they do not serve soft drinks or a variety of beverages at all actually! Water or Tea – that is all.

Overall Wo Hop lived up and exceeded my expectations. I look forward to eating there again whenever we visit next. The portions are very big and can easily be shared between 3-4 hungry people. This is probably why everyone loves it. You don’t have to take my word for it though – it has hundreds of positive reviews. I haven’t found a negative one yet!

Google Search (see the positive notes just in the results!)
Google Plus page (Rated a 22 in Zagat)
NY Mag profile page
Wo Hop Chinese Restaurant’s Official Site (the simplicity of the site shows they’d rather be serving food than making it sound and look good. They KNOW their stuff is good!)

After our lunch my husband and I continued with sightseeing – luckily we had cooperative weather for the rest of the day.

As always, thanks for reading – please come back for my continuation of this series from my NYC trip.

Zulaika H.

Follow Me on Pinterest for easy sharing of my reviews and recipes and a bunch of other fun stuff on there.

Easy lunch that will keep all week in the fridge!

I read this article on and I was just shocked that I hadn’t discovered this great way to make a lunch (Link to article below).

I’ve tried almost all the recipes, but my favorite remains to be the Caprese Pasta Salad. Mine is pictured below.

Caprese Pasta Salad Ingredients (as per article)

  • 2 tbsp basil pesto (homemade or store-bought)
  • 1 cup cherry tomatoes
  • 1 ½ oz fresh mozzarella, chopped into bite sized pieces
  • 2 oz cooked penne pasta
  • ½ cup fresh spinach leaves
  • ½ cup fresh basil, chopped

My reason for sharing is simply how easy to prep these are. I prepared these on Sunday and here I am eating it at work for lunch on Friday – tastes great every day of the week. It’s filling, but also tastes so fresh and healthy.

Related links:
The direct link to the article titled “The Best New Way to Bring Your Lunch” 

Thanks for reading and please let me know if you end up trying these! You will definitely not regret it. Furthermore, think of all the possible recipes for this! Go ahead, Pinterest it – I dare you.

Zulaika H.

Follow Me on Pinterest for easy sharing of my reviews and recipes and a bunch of other fun stuff on there. – Lose weight the right way

I’ve been feeling a little health conscious these days. Planning meals (lunches especially) has become a bit of a hobby. Here’s what a sample lunch looks like for me these days. The nutritional information is below in case anyone was wondering – not sure how healthy it really is. But it’s good 🙂 Get a 100% FREE Online Diet

The nutritional information was gathered by using – a weight loss/healthy social networking website I’ve been part of since 2007.

Want to know how many calories you ate today? Use this quick search!

Food Search:

I encourage you to logon and find me ZULAIKAH – the site is really easy to use and has SO MANY resources as well as trackers to help you learn what to do and what not to do. The most important feature of Sparkpeople to me is the social feature in which you find so many people who are motivating and friendly – wanting only your support in return.

Good luck,

Follow Me on Pinterest for easy sharing of my reviews and recipes and a bunch of other fun stuff on there.

July 4th, 2012 – Fireworks and a great cake recipe, PR style!

Happy Independence Day!I love the holidays. It doesn’t really matter what it is – a reason to celebrate, bake and make crafts with Jazlynn is so fun! It’s great to spend the day away from work and celebrating our nation’s birthday.

I’ve always been patriotic and thankful for all the blessings we have as Americans. Now, that I am a Sailor in the United States Navy, the feeling has transformed into a stronger bond with a country that I’m really proud to be a part of. Of course, it is not perfect – but nothing ever is. The point is that there is so much opportunity to make a difference because you have the freedom to do it.

*End of Patriotic rant*

For the holiday I baked a bizcocho from scratch – Puerto Rican style and it came out sooo good. I can’t wait to make a cake like this again. The link to the recipe is at the end of this post.

My daughter, Jazlynn, and I also made and decorated cupcakes last night. We had so much fun 🙂

We mixed in food coloring to regular frosting for the red and blue. I made most of the flags and Jazlynn helped make the “firework” designs.

We then took a walk and gave away cupcakes to our neighbors. Using food is always a good way to meet new people – everyone eats!


Later, we went to my in-laws’ home and my mom and grandmother also came over for the BBQ. We had a great time and I can’t wait to do it all again next year.

Related links:
Cake recipe, Puerto Rican (Puertorriqueño), in Spanish from a fellow Blogger.

God bless America!

Zulaika H.

Follow Me on Pinterest for easy sharing of my reviews and recipes and a bunch of other fun stuff on there.

Chicken and Broccoli Alfredo Pasta

Today I really wanted to do something different – we have rice, beans and meat pretty often. The only problem with doing different things is everyone isn’t always a fan of “new” ingredients (like broccoli, spices, etc.).

For this I used:

  • Chicken breast (one, skinless)
  • broccoli (about a cup)
  • Pasta (medium shells)
  • Alfredo sauce (a jar from the store)
  • Seasoning (as needed)

First, I put the broccoli to boil in some water in a small saucepan.

Then I cut the meat into 1 in. square pieces. Seasoned. And put into another saucepan to cook. This can also be done by stir fry (probably a better option for flavor).

Once the chicken and broccoli were taken care of, I put in the pasta to boil. I usually use 3/4 cup of pasta per person and that is usually enough for (the three of) us.

Once the broccoli, meat and pasta are all cooked (in about 10-15 minutes all should be done), I combine everything in a pan and add the Alfredo sauce. I keep this on low to medium heat for about 5 minutes* and then it’s all done and ready to serve.

*This would be a good time to toast garlic bread or toss a quick salad.

Here’s what my dinner plate looked like.

If you have the same problem (with trying new things), I encourage you to cook the new stuff anyway (unless there are alergies). Offer your family variety often enough, and you may be surprised at what they are willing to try, and eventually like.

Thanks for reading,


Follow Me on Pinterest for easy sharing of my reviews and recipes and a bunch of other fun stuff on there.

Jalisco – the real Mexican tacos

Tonight, my husband stopped at Jalisco to pick up dinner. It’s a little Mexican “bodega” that sells groceries and deli items as well as serves breakfast, lunch and dinner daily.

Tienda Jalisco on Urbanspoon

We each usually just can eat two of them. I really like the hot sauce. They can be ordered with more toppings, but we prefer to just have onions and cilantro with our meat.

Here’s the picture of what they look like:

I also had Ruben pick up some “queso fresco” (or Fresh Cheese). It’s like a saltier, crumblier (if that’s a word) mozzarella. I like to eat them with fresh lime juice on them (but not too much).

Thanks for reading… Buenas noches!


Follow Me on Pinterest for easy sharing of my reviews and recipes and a bunch of other fun stuff on there.