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Good morning 11OCT11

Today, I woke up full of energy. I usually set three alarm times on my phone.

  • The first is meant to just tell me it’s the morning and I’ll need to get up soon.
  • The second is “the last one I can ignore”.

Cool interrupting fact: they’re playing “Lucky Star” by Madonna in the chow hall right now 🙂

  • Anyway so the third alarm is the real one

…but I got up at the first alarm. Usually the sign of a good day…

And this breakfast supports that so far: cheese omelette, pancakes, OJ. The milk and Pop Tarts are for a snack later.

Follow Me on Pinterest for easy sharing of my reviews and recipes and a bunch of other fun stuff on there.

Smelly Burger

Today, we’re on day one of two financial management classes.Down side is it’s really boring.
Up side is I will get a college credit for it after a test tomorrow. Yay…

Today for lunch I got a cheese burger topped with roasted green peppers and onions. I also put lettuce and tomato, oh and mayonnaise on it. This with a small salad and fries. My drink is fruit punch Powerade.

Be sure to follow my Twitter @zoolsterr – I’ll work on updating more often.


Follow Me on Pinterest for easy sharing of my reviews and recipes and a bunch of other fun stuff on there.

A School Breakfast #1

Good morning!I’m back and so excited to be able to photograph my food again.

I have to fill everyone in who may not know. Over the past couple months I have been in Naval Basic Training (boot camp). I graduated on Friday and am having my first day at Lackland Air Force Base. So far everyone is really nice and helpful. Here’s what I had for breakfast today… I didn’t eat the whole piece of French toast because the syrup made it cold. The Pop Tart I have in my cabinet for a snack later (if needed).

Follow Me on Pinterest for easy sharing of my reviews and recipes and a bunch of other fun stuff on there.

International House of Pancakes (IHOP)

This lovely Saturday morning I woke up wondering what to make for breakfast and then I was rescued! My mom took me and my daughter to IHOP 🙂

This is what I had….

I ate pretty much everything except the home fries. I could only eat about a quarter of those. But I had everything else!!


Follow Me on Pinterest for easy sharing of my reviews and recipes and a bunch of other fun stuff on there.

Italian Village

Italian Village Pizza on Urbanspoon

Links to restaurant info:
Google place page
UrbanSpoon – fyi my order was from W. Colonial Dr. location
Link to menu by
*A restaurant this place is comparable (sp) to* Proccolino’s
There’s something about food that comes served in an aluminum tin that for some odd reason makes it taste better to me. This might just be a weird thing I get from my mom – she really likes when Spanish restaurants serve the rice in this (as the to-go package, obviously not while eating in).

My entree, called “Seafood De Villa”, came with a side salad and garlic knots (2).

I ate all of the salad (minus the onions, I only like those cooked), about 1/3 of the pasta, the order came with two garlic knots but I had to eat one before taking my lunch because I was kinda hungry. Not gonna lie, the knots were a lil bland. I left the second one for next time I eat from the plate (likely tomorrow). Oh yeah, and a sprite… I’ve still only drank half of it and I don’t think I’ll have much more and just drink water for the rest of the [work]day. I’ve never had (what looks like) imitation crab meat in seafood alfredo, but it was surprisingly good. In fact, I might use the ingredient when making my own at home.
Seafood alfredo recipes: recipe I think sounds good… “Olive Garden” secret recipe
Follow Me on Pinterest for easy sharing of my reviews and recipes and a bunch of other fun stuff on there.