Mixing cereal for breakfast

Mixing cereal for breakfast

I tried this breakfast a couple weeks ago, and I’m kind of hooked. So lately, I’ve been mixing cereal for breakfast.

The first time I ever saw someone mix cereals was on a television show called Gilmore Girls. It was a story primarily about a single mother raising her teenage daughter and it ended after7 seasons. The link is to a 3 minute clip of the whole scene. God, I miss that show! I think I might start re-watching it on Netflix.

I’m not lying when I tell you that I’m watching Gilmore Girls on my Mac as I finish up this post… Did you know Melissa McCarthy was on this?

Screen Shot Gilmore Girls on Netflix

So anyway, the daughter – Rory, attends Yale University and in the cafeteria she is having breakfast with a friend and pours two or three different kinds of cereal into her bowl for breakfast.

My first thought was, “Ew!” But after picking up THIS cereal thanks to my blogger friend Dana, I’ve been itching to mix it into something!

Mixing cereal for breakfast!


I didn’t get to crazy with my concoction, but here’s what I mixed:

  • All-Bran
  • Ginger almond cashew granola cereal (from Trader Joe’s)
  • And some fresh raspberries on top

If you’ve been around here a while, you know I’m not huge on breakfast person. But this is one of those things I can look forward to in the AM – the ginger and raspberries were so good together!

Do you mix your cereal? What is your favorite combination? 

Tweet me you answer @zullyihernandez or leave a comment below!

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