Produce in Season by the Month – a free printable

Produce in season by the month

Exactly a year ago today, I published a Meal Planner template and since we are at the end of the year I really wanted to make another resource for you guys. I put together a list of produce in season by the month and you can download the PDF here. 

Why should I cook with in-season fruits and vegetables?

It is really key to use produce in that is in season when meal planning because it saves you money and it also can be healthier. Did you know that fruit and vegetable crops are given unnatural additives to grow off-season? So buying foods that are naturally in the season for your area is going to be healthier! This was even noted by Joe Cross (famous for his information on juicing for better health). 

I did some research and I thought of making this chart in different ways, but this is what felt most simple so that when planning a recipe or meals you can just glance at whatever produce is in season (for better deals) and plan accordingly.

Produce in Season by the month

I’m actually looking forward to aligning my recipes with this produce list and will also be creating Pinterest boards with the different items. Be sure to check it out and follow me there for new recipe ideas I found from all over the internet! 

Produce in Season PDF
Click the image to download the PDF or Pin this image for later 🙂

I hope you folks are having a happy and healthy holiday and wish you a Happy New Year in advance!

If you’re looking for holiday recipes, be sure to check out my designated Pinterest boards – I make boards for different food holidays, too!: 

Do you plan your meals around what produce is in season? 

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  1. […] more About Produce in Season by the Month | Foodie Zoolee                                    (adsbygoogle = […]

  2. This was an awesome idea. Thank you!

  3. […] is in season and just don’t have what it isn’t in season. I found this handy chart from Foodie Zoolee as a guide for what is in season! You can go to her website and download and print this for […]

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