You may not know this, but I’m originally from

Hartford, Connecticut. I was born in the Winter, but my favorite season has always been Autumn. I love Love LOVED to watch the summer end, start shopping for school supplies, and watch the leaves turn pretty colors.

Did you know that the colors of leaves in the fall are actually their true colors? Leaves only appear green because of the process called photosynthesis. So when they change colors it means they are no longer making their food. The leaf is dead. They die and only then do their true colors show. Each tree type will have different colors depending on the chemical compounds that make them up.

I’m writing this post at a hospital where my grandmother is getting a mastectomy. Any minute now, they’ll tell us the surgery was successful and we can move on with her fight against cancer. I’m sharing her story (or maybe this is really just the beginning) because it is October after all – Breast Cancer Awareness Month.


Sometimes, it is only when a person is near death that their true colors show, too. Secrets and truths may come to light about their past. Or they might be showing fear in front of their loved ones for the first time. This morning I saw fear in my grandmother’s eyes of the first time. It is weird to put this in writing, but it must be said to show my faith in God. Im grateful for this situation because I know I must be thankful in all things (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

I’m also posting this to advise you to check yourself. There are so many events during the month of October and you can usually contact your local hospital or cancer center to seek information for testing near you. And guys, this is for you too – breast cancer isn’t just a risk for women.

If you love someone who has dealt with breast cancer (or any type of cancer) leave their first name in the comments and leave a positive thought or memory.

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  1. Hope the surgery was successful Zully!?
    Prayers are with you baby girl, thoughts and prayers

    1. Yes, thankfully it was! She’s recovering and in a few weeks we will know whether she’ll have radiation or chemo. Thanks for your prayers 🙂

      1. Yaaayy!!
        First battle – won!
        Cancer doesn’t have nothing on your nana!

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